

I absolutely love Supabase!


For restoring data into your Supabase project, only the public and auth schemas are supported. If you experience any issues with any of the paths, reach out to us on Discord (opens in a new tab).

Restoring to a Supabase local development stack

Supabase makes it easy to start a project with a dedicated PostgreSQL database. However, achieving a development environment populated with data closely resembling producation, still requires some set up. This guide will help you restore a snapshot of your production database into your local development stack.

1. Connect your source database (Production Database)

Navigate to (opens in a new tab) and sign up for a new account (it's free). Once you have successfully signed up for a new account, you'll begin the onboarding process...

Snaplet onboarding select team name

On the “Connect database” step click on "Connect Supabase" to connect your Supabase account to Snaplet. Proceed through all the steps of authorizing your Supabase organization, select a project and then enter the password associated to the project.

Snaplet onboarding connect your database

The snapshot configuration generated during onboarding will be set to only capture the public and auth schemas. Learn more below.

2: Create a snapshot

Continue to the next steps:

  • Subsetting (skipping will create a snapshot with all your data).
  • Transforming (skipping will leave all your table columns untouched).

Once you have gone through all these steps, a new snapshot process will start and you will now be on the “capture step.” Wait for it to finish - this is the snapshot you will restore into your target database.

Snaplet onboarding capturing your database

3: Set up your Supabase local development stack

Below is a summary of commands you will have to run in your terminal to get Supabase set up on your local machine. For more detailed steps you can visit the Supabase docs here (opens in a new tab).

>_ terminal

# log in to the Supabase CLI
supabase login
# initialize your Supabase configuration in your project folder
supabase init
# with docker running, start your Supabase services
supabase start

Running supabase start will output your Supabase credentials, copy the DB_URL field, as we will paste it in your snaplet.config.ts file (step 5).

>_ terminal

Started supabase local development setup.
API URL: http://localhost:54321
DB URL: postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres
Studio URL: http://localhost:54323
Inbucket URL: http://localhost:54324
anon key: eyJh......
service_role key: eyJh......

4: Install the Snaplet CLI

  1. Open your terminal and run curl -sL | bash
  2. Run snaplet auth login
  3. Navigate to to get your access token.
  4. Paste the access token in the terminal.

5: Config setup

  1. Navigate to your project directory.

  2. Set up your snaplet config.

>_ terminal

snaplet setup


✔ Welcome to Snaplet! 😸 Choose your adventure: › I want to capture or restore a snapshot 💾
Target database credentials
Snaplet restores data to your target database using the target database credentials.
Read more:
✔ Target database connection string … postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres
📡 Connected to database with "[secret]ql://postgres:postgres@localhost:54322/postgres"
✔ Select or create a project › My Team > My Project
You're all set! Take a look at our docs to find out what you can do from here:
Restore latest snapshot:
To restore the latest snapshot in your project execute the command:
snaplet ss restore --latest
Local capture:
You can learn more about self hosting here:
To capture a snapshot of your local database first pull the full configuration with:
snaplet config pull
Then capture the snapshot with:
SNAPLET_SOURCE_DATABASE_URL=<database-url> snaplet ss capture

6: Restore the data target

You are now ready to restore!

  1. Run snaplet snapshot restore in your project path.

Note: for supabase projects we automatically include the --no-reset flag when running snaplet snapshot restore. So no existing schemas will be dropped. Learn more about data operations here

Supabase is fun!

All done!

If you want to learn more about Snaplet, you can explore our docs. If you have any questions, reach out to us on Discord (opens in a new tab).

That's it! You're all done, and should have restored a version of your Supabase production database with transformed data into your target database. You can now code against production-realistic data.


Excluding specific schemas from snapshots

Snaplet does not support restoring all the schemas in a Supabase instance. By default your config will be set to only capture the public and auth schemas. You can manually include other schemas, but this is not a supported use case for this integration.

Schemas such as storage and supabase_functions schemas are excluded, because Snaplet is unable to also the clone the infrastructure required to support these schemas.

Your snapshot config should look something like this:


select: {
$default: false,
public: true,
auth: true,
// you can manually include schemas here, e.g: when you enable an extension and that
// extension creates a schema. Note: including any other schemas other than the "public"
// and "auth" schemas, may break the state of your Supabase project.

During onboarding, this select option is automatically added to your config. In the web editor you will be shown a warning, if you choose to remove the $default field.

Reset supabase database

Use the supabase db reset command to reset the state of your Supabase project. This is useful for cases a snapshot breaks your project, or you want to start from a clean slate.

>_ terminal

# reset your supabase database
supabase db reset
# restore your snapshot
snaplet snapshot restore